Friday, July 6, 2012

Supplement Timing. What to take & when.

Physique Bodyware not only offers the Best Workout Clothing For Men & Women made in America but we also feature tons of  Diet and Training Tips from the Pros along with Supplements & Accessories To help you get into the best shape of your life! Plus we make the workout clothes on the planet at great sale prices!

  Here are several common types of supplements and how they relate to timing and time-of-day.

Multivitamins: Most people take a multi in the morning, but time of day doesn’t matter with a multi. There’s something else that’s far more important and that’s taking your multi with solid food, preferably the largest solid food meal of the day, regardless of whether that’s breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Calcium and bone formulas: Timing doesn’t matter, except you want to make sure you take one dose before bed. With calcium and bone formulas, as with most minerals, what’s important are smaller, divided doses (as opposed to large single doses) and again taking them with solid food. Some exceptions are minerals like zinc lozenges, which are frequently recommended every so many hours, and ZMA which is intended to be taken before bed.

Fish oil and omega 3 supplements: Time of day does not matter, although it’s best to divide the dose if you’re taking more than 1000 mg combined DHA/EPA per day.

Brain Support Formulas: Best taken in the morning, unless directions specify otherwise.

Sleep Formulas: Unless the product label directs otherwise, best taken well-before bedtime (30-60 minutes) as opposed to just before getting into bed.

Preworkout formulas: Don’t take a preworkout formula when you’re just walking into the gym. Even the fastest-acting need 15-30 minutes kick in. So time your dose so that you’re taking it 15-30 minutes before you expect to be in the gym warming up and starting your session.

Postworkout formulas: These are best taken immediately after your workout, the sooner the better. It’s not a bad idea bring to the gym a ready-to-drink product or a shaker bottle preloaded with your postworkout powder. That way you can use it at the optimal time – right after your session ends, or even during your final cooldown.

Amino acids: This all depends on the amino acids in question. Amino acids used for focus and mental support are taken early in the morning, the earlier the better. Those used for recovery like glutamine, HMB, leucine or BCAA’s can be taken during or after a workout, or before bed.

Protein shakes: Timing is not important. Great as a breakfast on the go or post workout.

Vitamin C: Timing is not important, just be sure to divide the doses as evenly as possible throughout the course of the day.

Cod Liver Oil: Timing is not important, best taken with food.

Digestive enzymes: Always 15-30 minutes before, or with the first bite of food, never after a meal.

Systemic enzymes: Time of day isn’t important unless directed by your doctor or the label.

D-ribose: Upon arising or in the midmorning.

SAMe: Upon arising or in the midmorning. Try to take a multi or B-complex 8 hours before you take SAMe

Carb Blockers: 15-30 minutes before your carb-rich meal, not as you’re taking your first bite.

Joint formulas: Early morning and before bed.

CoQ-10: Time of day isn’t important. Taking it with some kind of fat or oil is.

MSM: Time of day isn’t important, but take at least one dose before bed.

Creatine: One dose a few hours before a workout, second dose immediately after the workout.

Probiotics: Time of day isn’t important.

Laxatives: Best taken early in the day; if it’s a product you’ve never used before, wait until the weekend to try it.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Best taken after a meal

Fiber: Anytime except after a meal.

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