Try This Contest Winning Ab Routine Now!
Get shredded ab routine used by the pros!
Here's a proven Ab workout routine used over the years by countless bodybuilders and PhysiqueBodywareUSA.com fitness models. When it comes down to choosing fitness models for print work, catalogs and magazine ads Physique Bodyware looks for guy's who are ripped! Killer Ab muscles take a lot of work and time. If you follow this gut bustin' Ab routine by PhysiqueBodywareUSA.com for 3 months along with a clean healthy low fat diet you will see results, guaranteed! Our get shredded Ab routine will make a beginner look like a winner and a winner look like a champion! Every-body has Ab muscles but only those who master the art of fat loss have that ripped six pack look that that separates the fit boys from the fat boys! If you follow our fat loss diet tips along with this shredded ab routine you'll not only look great but you'll also add years to your life, have a stronger back and much better sex life.
Here is your fitness model Ab Shredding routine:
Monday 4 sets x 25 reps crunches4 sets x 25 reps lying leg raises30 minutes cardio bike.
Tuesday 5 sets x 20 hanging leg raises2 sets x 50 reps crunches45 minutes cardio treadmill
Wednesday 4 sets x 50 reps seated leg raises30 minutes cardio bike
Thursday 4 sets x 25 reps crunches4 sets x 25 reps lying leg raises30 minutes cardio bike
Friday 5 sets x 20 reps hanging leg raises2 sets x 50 reps crunches45 minutes cardio treadmill
Saturday 4 sets x 50 reps seated leg raises30 minutes cardio bike
Sunday Off! Thank God! Give our ripped abs routine 3 months following a good lean and clean diet and you will get those abs! If you would like more great bodybuilding tips & fat loss tips from the top bodybuilders in the world then checkout http://www.physiquebodywareusa.com/ now for quality American made workout clothes and exercise gear!
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